PT. Honda vacancy

Job title: Senior Staff
Job function: Legal/Corporate
Company: PT Metropolitan Land
Industry: Property
Work location: Bekasi
Offering salary: Not specified
Level of education: Associate Degree
Work experience: At least 2 years
Closing date: 10 February 2009

- Minimal D3
- Mengerti hukum pertanahan & perijinan, komunikatif, & mempunyai personality

Job title: Senior Staff
Job function: Accounting, Finance
Company: PT Metropolitan Land
Industry: Property
Work location: Bekasi
Offering salary: Not specified
Level of education: Associate Degree
Work experience: At least 2 years
Closing date: 10 February 2009

- Minimal D3 Keuangan/Akuntansi
- Pengalaman dibidang Keuangan lebih diutamakan, komunikatif
- Bersedia ditempatkan di Tambun-Bekasi

Job title: Entry Level
Job function: Marketing (Non-Technical)
Company: PT Metropolitan Land
Industry: Property
Work location: Jakarta
Offering salary: Not specified
Level of education: Associate Degree
Work experience: At least 2 years
Closing date: 07 February 2009

- Bersedia di tempatkan di Tangerang
- Memiliki kendaraan sendiri
- Pekerja keras, jujur & memiliki kepribadian yang baik

Job title: Entry Level
Job function: Administration
Company: PT Metropolitan Land
Industry: Property
Work location: Tangerang
Offering salary: Not specified
Level of education: Associate Degree
Work experience: At least 2 years
Closing date: 07 February 2009

- Berpengalaman dalam proses perijinan dengan pemda terutama di Kota Tangerang
- Memiliki kendaraan sendiri
- Pekerja keras, jujur & memiliki kepribadian yang baik

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