class room teacher

- passionate responsible individual that have commitment for the greater and better professional learning culture?
- humble agent of innovativeness, creativity and progression through daily effort inside and outside classroom?
- strong character for intellectual enlightment with clear understanding about social changing environment?
- active person with deep respect to team work sprit?

If yes, we invite you to share your dreams with us as an Homeroom Teacher.

In vibrant, innovative and caring community, we inspire one another to achieve our personal best.

PS: Open for Indonesian or expatriate

Date: 20 January 2009
City/Town: Jakarta or Tangerang
Location: Jakarta
Wage/Salary: competitive salary
Start: July 2009
Duration: start with 1 year contract
Type: Full Time
How to apply: send email to binus jakarta
Company: Bina Nusantara
Contact: Heni

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